Announcement for a competition
IV. International Rexroth Pneumobile Race 2011
Bosch Rexroth Pneumatika Kft, Eger and Bosch Rexroth Kft, Budapest are fourth time announcing a competition for designing and building pneumatic driven vehicles for university or college students.
The complete vehicle will match their performance on more race tracks: the longest run distance, the smartness (slalom) track and the best acceleration. The most important aspects of technical rating are the technical originality of the solution and the technical level of the implementation.
Teams of maximum 4 students of universities and colleges, (maximum 3 teams from the same institute) can enter the competition. On nomination, every team member should be the student of the institute (enrolment is required). On the day of competition at least 2 team members should be the student of the university or college.
The application has to contain the name of the responsible team leader (technical coach), who is a professor of the institute, as well as the data of the contact person of the team. (The contact person can be a team member.)
Registration for the competition should be forwarded to the registration address on the downloaded „Registration form”.
At the competition one team wins the prize „Best Pneumobile of Rexroth 2011” and holds it for one year. The „Best Pneumobile of Rexroth 2011” team, and the winners of the different categories are going to take part on a study tour abroad, furthermore every participants receive valuable gifts. All of the participating students will receive “Drive and Control” certificate.
For the coaches an invitation to a two-day conference will be offered after the competition.
Deadline for registration: 12th November 2010
Registration address: Bosch Rexroth Pneumatika Kft. 3300 Eger, Bánki Donát u. 3. or
Date of the competition: 6th & 7th May 2011 (Friday & Saturday)
Further information: