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Results of the telemetry documentations' evaluation

Thursday, 24 January 2013 Thursday, 09:09:26

According to the rules of the competition the teams had the opportunity to apply for the "Race category of supplementary control, data collection and visualization", as known as the telemetry category.

Among the 21 teams, who applied for the race, finally 11 teams made the separate documentation, which were evaluated by the jury. Instead of the announced 3 places, eventually four teams were selected based on the high quality of their work. They will get the necessary tools and software for free of charge.

Telemetry - The winner teams

Start number

Team name

Education institutes

Supporting teacher


Műszakik Pneumobil Team Junior

Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem

Farkas Zsolt



Sapientia - Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem

Dr. Forgó Zoltán



Óbudai Egyetem, Bánki Donát Kar

Pintér Péter Mihály


Debreceni Széllovagok

Debreceni Egyetem

Dr. Juhász György

Congratulation for the teams and we wish a successful preparation for the race!

We hope that we managed to add another "dash of colour" to this year’s Pneumobil competition with this modern and Forma1-imaging solution.

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